Hurricane #1 .... is official!

Well, well my dear readers I'm so happy to announce the official number #1 of the new Studiocomix title HURRICANE, this is the result of months of work and a lot of patience but finally we got it out. Like the dynamic duo Miguel Mar (artist) and Pablo Violante (writer) introduce us this story starring Martuk, the number one detective in town capable to solve the most complicated cases including the murder a prime minister's son, but is he going to be able to do it before "hurricane" Alicia wipe out all the evidence? ....

A great story!!!!

The book will be ready in the stores for Aug 24th, 2012 however as a special promotion this delightful number one will be for SALE in the next

For only
CAD $3.00 (+Shipping and handling)

right!... so what are you waiting for go to our On-line Store or click on add to cart below and get your copy today!

Hurricane #1
Miguel Mar / Pablo Violante / Alfonso Espinos

Price: CAD $5.99
Promo Price: CAD $3.00 (+Shipping and handling)
promotion ends on Monday Apr, 20th 2012
Features: Signed by the Editor
16 pages / Color covers / English / Suspense 18+

Martuk one of the best detectives in town its assigned to solve a terrible murder in a cinema, in his path he face the challenge to get the case solved before "Alicia" one of the most destructive hurricanes hit town. Hurricane #1 a story that you can't miss.


  1. george5:07 PM

    I can´t enter to cart :(

  2. George now problem is off, now you can buy this comic :D


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